weighting system for backplate BLACK inner pockets
weighting system for backplate BLACK inner pocketsweighting system for backplate BLACK inner pocketsweighting system for backplate BLACK inner pocketsweighting system for backplate BLACK inner pockets

weighting system for backplate BLACK inner pockets

Your price with VAT
96.35 €
Your price without VAT
79.63 €
In stock > 10 pair


weighting system for backplate BLACK inner pockets
96.35 €
In stock: > 10 pair
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Ballast system consists of 2 pockets, which are slipped on a waist strap and fastened to a backplate (pair of bolts and nuts included). Left pocket has a D-ring for mounting a pressure gauge. Inside each pocket is an inner pocket with a handle for inserting the weights.
material:Cordura 1100, velcro, Nexus buckles
weight:0,57 kg
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